Is there a way to zoom in and out in the outliner? I can't find anything on the internet and I swear I managed to do that by mistake one time, but can't remember what the shortcut was. And I didn't noted it down because it was something I usually use everyday.
Am I crazy?
Hey ox ,
No you're not crazy!
I swear I have zoomed in and out in the outliner before. It doesn't work now though.
Ah, I told you! So happy someone else remembers it too! But yeah, tried eveything, doesn't work anymore.
Thanks again, guys. As usual :)
| I swear I have zoomed in and out in the outliner before.
Are you sure Adrian ? Memory can be tricky. (When I read your comment, I also remembered that being possible...but:)
I have tried this in a few versions that I have lying around, going back as far as 2.66 and the Outliner wouldn't let itself be zoomed in or out with CTRL MMB.
I think me and Adrian created a bug while trying to do something else. And that's how it worked, because like you said, there is nothing of the sort implemented in any version. Would be cool, though. I have so many typos because I can't see that far (4k monitor).
Yes, thank you. I knew that and didn't want to change the whole UI, but I'll do that because I have no other option.
You could try a different font or adjust just the text size(F4->Preferences->Theme->Text Style->Widget->Points->Default is 11) This will only affect the text of the user interface. Panel title affect the panels header and widget label affect labels. This way you're only changing the size of the text. I also find that changing text anti-aliasing(F4->preferences->Interface->Text Rendering->hinting) to full helps some people to read the text better. sometime none works better. You can also change the font here.