Problem parentig to rig

Question Rigging

Hi friends! I got a problem parenting the head of my character to my rig. When I do it deforms completely the head. I guess it may has to do with the fact that I scaled my rig  and in the new scale im tryng to add the head. Already apply all transforms with my rig and my head but doesnt work.

Any idea?

e pantalla (131).png

e pantalla (132).png

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Zero idea, I don't do any rigging. The two super riggers I know are Phil and Wayne. If I only knew how the @ thing works here. Martin, can you @ Wayne? 

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    He'll probably see it anyway, but to be sure... @waylow

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hey Adrian.
    There's 2 potential issues that might cause this, and yes, it's most likely to do with the rescaling of the armature.
    It's either an issue with the object scale, or the stretch-to constraints on the generated rigify rig.

    If you are using rigify, try disconnecting all the parenting on the geo so it's no longer parented to the rig (and delete the armature modifier)
    Then scale the meta rig to the correct size > regenerate > then reparent the geo to the generated rig.

    Another thing you can try is to reset the length of the stretch-to constraints on the generated rig.
    But I feel like regenerating the rigify rig will be easier in your situation.

    Let me know how it goes.

    1 love