Hello! So, if I'm correct this question hasn't been asked yet. My problem is that if I connect the Fresnel with the Mix...

posted to: Glossy Reflection
Hello! So, if I'm correct this question hasn't been asked yet. My problem is that if I connect the Fresnel with the Mix Shader (4:11 min) and then click the Mix Shader, nothing happens. In the video the Gizmo turned back to its' Texture colors. (My gizmo stayed black and white) It would be great if someone knows whats going wrong. Thanks in advance!
  • rostzwiebel replied
    Aaah never mind! I didn't see that the other Mix Shader wasn't connected to the Material Output anymore. (because we had to press ctrl+shift+LMB on the Fresnel, and that deconnected the other Mix Shader)
  • rostzwiebel replied
    I don't know if anyone will ever have the same problem but just in case: I found out the correct solution (somehow I really couldn't figure it out) Just ctrl+shift+LMB on the Mix Shader (Kent sometimes only says "click", also in some following lessons) Maybe I'm just too tired XD
  • Fred Maher(fredmaher) replied

    I just hit the same snag and am happy to see that I wasn't missing something.

    That's why screencast keystrokes would really help. Hint, Poke :) 

  • Ido Reshef(ireshef) replied

    Thanks ! You are not tired.
