I didn't understand why you showed "Dirty Vertex Painting". What was the point of this? Also how is this relevant to th...

I didn't understand why you showed "Dirty Vertex Painting". What was the point of this? Also how is this relevant to the over all modeling scene. I am confused. If I try to render the final image this whole texture is not seen. So what is this really for? Maybe its covered later but its not clear to me at all and its bothering me quite a bit. Thanks.
  • Kent Trammell replied

    It’s clear that you’re frustrated with texturing/computer graphics/this course/blender. Based on your term “modeling scene” I’m thinking that you aspire to be a 3D modeler and nothing else - Certainly not a texture painter. Am I correct to deduce that?

  • Mayank Jain(firesofmay) replied
    I am not really aspiring to be anything in specific. I was interested in making games in general. Found blender to be interesting for making game assets so started with this course. That's all.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Ok then, so to create game assets, it's very important to understand texture painting. But this course is not project-based which is maybe a stumbling block for you.

    This Flow is project based and might make more sense to you in the context of the project: https://cgcookie.com/flow/introduction-to-game-asset-creation/
  • Mayank Jain(firesofmay) replied
    Thanks will check it out.