Motion paths not working properly

When I hit calculate motion paths I only get this bunch of points near the bottom.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    I think that is probably because you re doing the paths at the object level in this panel:

    ion Paths Object.png

    When it should be the motion path in the armature panel here:

    n paths Armature.png

    That's because the object itself it's not moving so you get the dots at the same place. The info that is moving is the bone in the armature, which is in the other panel.

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah Omar is correct, The Object as in the Armature doesn't move. The bones in the armature is what moves and therefore you need to be in pose mode with the relevant bone selected and use motion paths under Object Data Properties, not the Object Properties.
    The one with the running man.