Of the 4 default lights, the sun is the only one that works. Literally, as in, completely dark. I was doing pt1 of a render intro when I ran into this issue. I restarted blender, then my computer; I even uninstalled/reinstalled Blender (v 3.6.2). Nothing worked. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
I was hoping a fresh install on a new SSD would fix my lighting issue. Only the point light shows. The sun light isn't shown, works as it should; however, no matter how I turn its power setting there is no change. https://imgur.com/gallery/DZOkCNG
I DID IT!!! I could have let you guys do the setup, but I would have learned as much as I did. My first model is actually complete; I'm the detailed sections first followed by the vanity in all its glory. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMBo4VX-kEbRAnm98B5n1ZX18EoDNef7I6vj9Wn
It's a very simple model yes, but I remember when it was amazing just be able to move around in the viewport. As Martin says, it's a bit hard to make the shape out, the camera is very very close, you can move it further back so you give the composition a bit of space to breath. Keep on going, let me show you my first model and how I got better after I practiced more and more, so go, go, go
I have completed my renders. I really had alot of fun putting it all together. https://imageshack.com/a/X2MW7/1