I am finally almost done with the house project I have been working on for 2 months along with learning the digital lighting course I wrapped up too! I used my apartment as a reference but made it my own too. I feel like my lighting is pretty good but I will take advice on it and any other advice. I did use addons and did not make everything from scratch but a couple things I did. My main concern is that there is this wave effect in some parts of the photos and I am not sure what could be the problem besides a materials/texturing one and maybe I should delete that area and re add it? I would like to fix this and then add a camera animation too it before I post on socials!
It's looking really good Brandon. The lighting is great, the tone is a bit much sepia or yellow for my taste, but that is personal preference more than anything. To troubleshoot the wave problem you notice, I'd start by adding a test camera that I can move around closer to the objects with said problem and do some test renders, just to see things up close and from other angles. Usually you end up discovering that it's too much bump interaction with the light and hitting at the angle you have set up, or maybe it's the denoiser or just some artifact of the resolution. Either way it helps to see things up close and from different vantage points to really see what's going on first.
ok thanks for the tips and my place is quite a bit more yellow than white so that is a good thing