This was a super handy tip!
If anyone finds it useful, I abstracted the main steps into a Python script that can be run in the Blender text editor:
import bpy
############################################################## # Run this while in Edit Mode after making a selection. ##############################################################
# Hide Unselected
# Enter Sculpt Mode
# Mask > Fill Mask
bpy.ops.paint.mask_flood_fill(mode='VALUE', value=1)
# (Re)Show Hidden
Agreed! Super helpful tip! And super awesome that you shared this script.
I wonder, however, if this workaround is still needed in Blender 4x? I'm noticing some other updates in the masking features and a couple of menus too, so it'd be cool if they also addressed this part of the mesh selection workflow?
Either way, it's such an easy workaround that even if not, we're covered!