Hello Mr. Kent, thank you for making this course. I'm following your lesson and when I tried the render image thing it too...

posted to: Glossy Reflection
Hello Mr. Kent, thank you for making this course. I'm following your lesson and when I tried the render image thing it took too long to render the image it says 18 min are remaining, yours rendered quickly but mines isn't. Is this normal ?
  • Kent Trammell replied
    I speed up renders for these videos, so 18 minutes for a render isn't surprising to me. Sounds like your computer is maybe a few years old, but I regularly get 18 minute render times for my scenes.
  • kotoban replied
    A quick tip for anyone having the same issue: enable GPU render from user settings and render panel if you have a supported graphics card, it significantly reduced the render time for me!
  • Paul Bransford(draeath) replied
    Note of warning: not all cycles nodes/functionality works with all GPUs. As time moves on support is converting, but if something isn't working, one of the first things you should check is if it also is broken using CPU rendering.
  • Paul Bransford(draeath) replied
    converting -> converging, whoops.