Remove "Armature" Root and make "Hips" root to be able to retarget Animations with Unity´s Mechanim

Question Animation

Hey there! Is there a way to remove this Armature Empty in Blender?

We are using Unity, Mechanim and want to retarget Mixamo animations to our Character. We get the error message that the Root Bone should be "hips"  and not Armature. 

Does anyone know how we can delete "Armature"  and make "mixamorig:Hips" the root.

Thank you!

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    That armature is just the data block name given to group of bones, like skeleton is the name of the group of bones in a human.
    You can change that name to whatever you like in the data properties.
    But you can't delete it.

  • Ingrid Frank(Fide) replied

    Hello Adrian!

    Thanks for your reply. That´s too bad. I wonder if it will work with simply renaming the data block... Gonna try it tomorrow at work.

    On a positive note: We got the retargeting to work nevertheless! :D

    • 👍