What to do to become better at blender?


So I'm new to blender, haven't been using it for at least 2 months, but I've been modeling numerous things that I have posted on other sites. One thing I've noticed is that it looks as though my progress is halted, it's like even though I can model what I am attempting to model, I feel lost on some parts. 
I know tutorials can help a lot in terms of modeling but I do not know how exactly to use a tutorial "correctly". 
Is there something I can do to become better at overall blender? (modeling, sculpting, animating, ECT...) or does getting better simply come with time itself?

2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yep you got it, you'll get better with time the more you do it. And it's not a sudden realization, it's on small increments that you'll probably wont even notice you're getting better, but for sure you'll be getting better. The key thing is to not only watch tutorials, but to practice a lot, try things out creatively and get stuck, it's the roadblocks and the overcoming them that will grant you experience points for you to level up. You'll get stuck and frustrated yes, and that's when you'll need grit also to overcome the difficult parts while your brain is still getting used to things. So don't think to much about it, just start watching tutorials and experimenting, try to create a cool thing and enjoy it.

    8 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    I totally agree with Omar; couldn't have said it better.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    3 words!
    Practice, practice, practice.

    Don't just copy tutorials word for word, setting for setting, do your own thing with what is taught in the courses.
    For example, after completing Press Start, try modeling maybe a Nintendo Switch, using the same techniques.

    Keep it going!

    4 loves
  • Cedrick Pineda(Imheretobehere) replied

    Thanks for replying, I will gladly take all of this into account, thank you!

  • Jonathan Lazaro(Jojo) replied

    im new to blender as well , however this advice applies to anything i think, or at least to my creative endeavors . If you notice youre not advancing despite constant practice you need a teacher / tutorials . There might be some technique youre not aware of that is keeping you from moving forward. I spent 5 years trying to teach myself flamenco guitar and gave up and only just realized my lack of knowledge in tempo and rythm is what kept me from advancing