I had the wiggle Bones all set up and baked them and when I rendered the animation the Wiggles weren't applied. I didn't notice if the wiggles left after baking. The wiggle setting are all greyed out and I can't find a way to reapply the settings. I just downloaded and installed Wiggle Bones 1.5.0 today and using Blender 3.3.7.
Is there a way to get the setting to apply or reset and reapply them?
This is how the settings look right now. I turned the armature back on in the Object Data Properties so these setting could be readjusted if need ne but haven't found a way to reapply the setting to the bones. I lost the wiggles....
I managed to get it working again and reapplied the settings. The animation seems to have been corrupted. Weird anomalies and it takes a lot longer to render than before. I cut out the first 2 frames of the animation as the spider flashes in the middle of the screen in the render but the animation itself doesn't show it. May have to work on it a bit more to try and get it back a little better.