One of the first steps to the video is to tab into edit mode / open the uv editor. When I opened the project file provided...

One of the first steps to the video is to tab into edit mode / open the uv editor. When I opened the project file provided it does not allow for me to go into any mode at all. When I click on to manually switch nothing is listed but the current mode it is in "object mode". I have tried re opening the file a few times and the same thing every time. Is there a option turned on that would stop me from switching modes? Thanks
  • Danny H(b-w) replied
    I actually got confused by this for a moment too. When you open the project file the object isn't selected yet (note the lack of a yellow highlight around it). Once you select the object you're able to tab into edit mode.
  • legacyofwax replied
    Thank you for the help! I had hit a key to select. It had the object highlighted still wouldn't let me switch to edit mode. I De-selected and re-selected the object and then I was able to change to edit mode. Where hitting a because it is a "select all" option. Does that stop you from changing to a different mode?