Back The Way We Came - Blender Progress Over The years

Omar Domenech

Ok so in a single image, here's my Blender progress over the years. Took a while but I mostly learned Blender as a hobby on my free time, so people can certainly get to a point they are happy a lot faster.

Anyone can post their Blender progress in this thread. 


10 loves
  • sheila5 replied

    I'm not at your level Omar and I need to make original work one day. But this is my progress. Wish it was progress in 3 years, but the oldest was in 2013. I needed a drinking bird for a script.,js,output

    In 2017 I made a cartoon house that followed a maya tutorial but did it in blender. (

    3 years ago I made an orc from a course by grant abbitt was a fun course btw

    The last one is a clip from the cubicity course. I'm still working on the pothead but I get distracted all the time



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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    The Blender Journey, is a long, long road, with ups and downs, twists and turns.
    Three things have helped me along that road...
    Lots of patience, lots of practice and a huge amount of cookies, cg cookies and real cookies 😋
    Still a long way to go, more cookies needed.

    OMG, I have so many unfinished projects.

    My First vehicle.
    A Lamborghini, if I were a salesman, I would say "She's a Runner", the doors might fall off though.
    This took, like forever, and never got finished.



    To this jeep, a finished vehicle.



    This even comes with an interior, at no extra cost


    And then we have a fun vehicle project,
    A Lego Backhoe Loader.


    Each piece painstakingly modeled and assembled

    Not matter what Blender throws at you,
    Keep Calm, Eat More Cookies, and Carry On.
    • 🤟🏼
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