Pole the Husky Puppy


Alright...finished the last assignment for the Blender Mesh Modelling Bootcamp and submitted the SketchFab model.

(Model fixed and updated, thanks Martin)Β 


  • πŸ‘Œ
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Looking sweet Brad πŸ‘πŸ»

    Is this why he's called Pole:


    It gives a bit of a weird shading there.

    But overall a really great job! (And wasn't it fun πŸ˜‰)

  • Brad Wheeler(brad-nbo) replied

    You got sharp eyes/. 2 vertices in the lip ended up merging, they must have been too close together at one time and I didn't see it.

    Also a vert just below it needed to be pulled up closer to the lip and it was also sunken in but you made a very good catch here..

    I unhid the part of the upper lip to show better what you correctly point out. I turn off the subd as well.

    The corner of the mouth needs to be pulled in a bit I think. I was trying to position it as best I could to suit the subd and then tweaking here and there I fouled things up a bit and missed somethings. I know the darker areas are shading issues but most of the time they are faces behind that need to be deleted or it's something I can't tell why there's a n issue even after changing things here and there. I found occasionally merge by distance revolves issues but often still does not merge verts on top of another. I found that when extruding an edge and snapping the vert to the next vert where you want to continue the faces will not merge by distance so I don't snap to the verts any more for that and just merge the verts manually. I try not to use the auto merge as that has gotten me in trouble forgetting to turn it off. lol. Enuff of my rambling...8^]

    I call him Pole because I learned about poles in this course and he has several poles in his topology resolving some topology integration at areas where redirecting the flow here and there as needed, keeping all quads throughout. ll. This was a great course and will look for similar to carry on with the edge modeling, pretty cool modeling techniques and I need a lot more instruction and practice.


    ssky vert problem.pngiquesΒ 

    • πŸ‘πŸ»