I'm having trouble dragging multiple nodes at once to put in the fame node. I can multiple select, but the second I try to...

posted to: Glossy Reflection
I'm having trouble dragging multiple nodes at once to put in the fame node. I can multiple select, but the second I try to click and drag, it un-selects all but that, and only lets me move the node I clicked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  • legacyofwax replied
    I was having this issue as well. I found that you can use the g key when they are all selected to move all at once.
  • bethjett replied
    This was a helpful tip! I was having the same problem.
  • glenn replied
    I was also having the same problem. Thanks for the useful tip!
  • Justin Dalton(kidshit) replied

    This was driving me insane, big thanks Nicky