Experience points on this website - what do they mean?


On one of the courses it say "Awarded on completion - 100 xp + S Min. What does S Min mean?

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Erik,

    That is a Badge you earn, together with the XP's. It probably stands for S(essions) Min(imalism). It's like a picture/icon, not so much a text..

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    You can earn Badges for a lot of Courses, like upon finishing the Animation Bootcamp:


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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    This allows you to level up and earn badges. It's a way of keeping you motivated and to track your increase in skill/knowledge. It gives the learning process more of a game style feel. There use to be rewards for answering questions and interaction in the community, but since the switch to this new platform I haven't seen it. Then again I haven't been as active in the community here lately. 

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah it's just like Achievements on Xbox or trophies on PlayStation. And just like playing an RPG game where you gain XP as you progress, it's the same here. Gain enough XP, you level up, submit and pass an exercise, it's like wining a boss battle. 

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