To what degree is Unity's Shader Graph similar to Blender's Shader Editor ? Does almost everything carry over or is it fundamentally different ?
I am guessing that at least on conceptual level, things are the same.
I've never used Unity, but as you say, I at least know that on a conceptual level these software's have like 80% things in common, the base knowledge is all that matters. I don't know who can answer your question, but there's a handful of courses on CG Cookie using Unity, although i don't know how updated they are. But since concepts don't change all that much, I bet they can be extremely useful for you.
The ideas are quite similar, and if you know Blender's shader editor you should be able to pick it up pretty fast, but the way they're implemented is unique (different render engines built for different purposes) so the shaders themselves won't export between the two. If you're planning to export models to Unity, I'd suggest only doing extremely basic shaders in Blender (like one Principled BSDF) and saving the actual shading work for after you get it into Unity.
I like your style of teaching, depth of understanding etc. I do plan to use the Unity Shaders because of the incompatibilities. But if it is same on conceptual level, it shouldn't be difficult to recreate what we build and learn in Blender. That's my hope.