I agree with Lisa's comment below - the intros to modeling came much more easily to me than texturing, I cursed the instru...

I agree with Lisa's comment below - the intros to modeling came much more easily to me than texturing, I cursed the instructor a few times trying to keep up with the baking videos and got totally lost...but after lots of pausing and re-watching to digest the material, I actually feel like diving into all these functionalities at once is a good way to start getting comfortable. I do think a graded exercise would be great to practice these concepts (UV unwrapping in particular!) but otherwise, great lesson!
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Thanks for the feedback, mshubes. I agree that an exercise would benefit this course - I need to get on that.

    As a side note, have you seen the updated Wistia player? If you click on the gear it offers playback speed including 0.5x if watching my lessons at a slower speed would help.