Coffee Scene file



Sorry, this is a setup I am not familiar with and when redering to start compositing nothing but a purple screen appears. I don't see an actual model to render. The blend file arrangement is very different with a more advanced streamlined setup that I haven't encountered before and am not sure if the model may be hidden somehow. So I'm not sure what I may be doing wrong but kind of stuck right now.

BTW I was going to do this in 2.83 LTS and tried to open it in 3.3.1 also but same results.


  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Brad,

    Blender can't find the image for some reason, although it's packed. You can actually Unpack it, but it's enough to simply click here once:


    It'll 'refesh' and the EXR is going to be visible.

    1 love
  • Brad Wheeler(brad-nbo) replied

    Hey thanks Martin.

    Yep, there it is!@ I found I had to click on the node for the properties to show up on the N panel,,,ooohh the depths of Blender seem endless for me to fathom. 8^)

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Isn't it some kind of bug? I feel Blender used to be more stable.

    • Wayne agrees 👀