jumped into bone layers without any intro.

would help if the speaker gradually showed how the armature single bones were created one by one and then how they were added to the layers. I felt helpless as blender (that I am using on mac) behaves inconsistently, as compared to how things are shown on youtube videos on how to add bones to the layers.


1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Vinod,
    I'm sorry you feel a little lost.  But stick with it.
    Everything is explained in the course.  Plus you will have some exercises to practice everything that you will learn.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I'm not sure what you mean, but there's also the very old but very knowledgeable and timeless Humane Rigging from Nathan Vegdahl:


    2 loves
  • Vinod Kumar PNS(pnsvinodkumar39) replied

    Thank you for the responses, and yes I did take a look at humane rigging some time back, but since it was quite old, thought it isn't relevant anymore. Will take it in full this time.

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    The older courses are still available, because they still contain valuable relevant information.
    Don't be fooled into thinking the course is outdated just because it uses an older version of Blender.

  • Stephen Swaney(stivosaurus) replied

    As of Blender 4.0, it looks like Bone Layers are gone, replaced by Bone Collections.  This is probably an improvement.  No doubt, we will learn more about this later.

  • Mauro Ornelas(mauroornelas) replied

    Indeed this changes in Blender 4.0 and Wayne mentions in the video that it would be redesigned, so I guess this is it. From what I can see bone collection more or less combines bone groups and bone layers in a way that makes more sense. Before you would group bones, but the visibility in the layers. Now everything is in one control. What seems to be more substantial are changing the bone color. Bone collection does not seem to have a color attribute anymore. Might be too early and still a lot to cover in the course, but is there any way to change the color for all bones in a collection? 

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi mmauroornelas
    Yes it seems you have figured out the changes in regards to layers migrating to collections.

    Bone colours are a little different too.

    They work on the bone level now, rather than a 'group' that was attached to the data level.
    (There is a video coming in the next course that explains this update - in the next few weeks)

    You can now apply different colours in pose and edit modes (on the same bone)

    And you can also apply the same colour as the active bone to all the selected bones (see image)

    If you wanted to apply the same colour to all the selected bones in a collection, you would need to select them (there's a button in the collections tab)
    But then you can press the double arrows highlighted in Yellow.
    You can set a different colour for both Edit and Pose mode, but if you want it to be the same you can just set the top one and ignore the Pose bone option (it is designed so that it will use the 'Bone Color' unless it is manually set to be different)

    Hope that helps.

    1 love
  • Mauro Ornelas(mauroornelas) replied

    Hi Wayne, thanks for the complete explanation, its very clear. I'm looking forward for the new course and enjoying this one a lot.