I've built a castle tower. The stone wall texture which I got off off a texture site looks great on the interior and exter...

posted to: 3D Painting
I've built a castle tower. The stone wall texture which I got off off a texture site looks great on the interior and exterior walls but floors and ceilings and any other planes parallel to those such as the upward facing faces of the battlements are stretched beyond recognition. How do I fix this?
  • Tristan Johnson(tjohnso) replied
    Are you using UV's or generated? If you are using generated make sure you are on cube projection. It sounds like you are using flat at the moment.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Yeah, it sounds like you're (zzenptiness) using generated UV coordinates instead of unwrapped UV's.
  • gordyford224 replied

    Kent Trammell, thank you so much for the answer. Useful solution for this page. UV coordinates will be better for your project.