How do you get rid of noise in a render! I hate having the little spots around my image.

posted to: Glossy Reflection
How do you get rid of noise in a render! I hate having the little spots around my image.
  • Yves Perera(shinsaku) replied
    In this same Flow, there is a complete chapter on the Fundamentals of Rendering. How to reduce or get rid of noise in renders is explained overthere. ;)
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Yves is right - Check out the "Fundamentals of Rendering" course, especially the "Sampling" and "Clamping" lessons.
  • billy-mabrey replied
    The area lamps need to be set to multiple importance under their properties if they are not.
  • Ryan Warren(cmdrfirezone38) replied
    Thank you very much for you guys help!
  • seumestre replied
    I'm curious why is it not already set on the course file.