All Right Animating Learning Schedule? New Roblox Animator!


Hi! I am brand new to this platform and I love what it has to offer so far, I love being organized and knowing exactly what to learn and when to do it rather then the maze of recs YouTube sends you down. I looked through a lot of the courses titles and topics this weekend and created my schedule of what I think I could manage in the next few months only having started blender in November 2022. I may switch it around and not stick to it week by week as time moves on but what do you guys think on it for a new guy who wants to make Roblox animations/effects to start? I will learn some modeling but it's not the main goal and try to use other sites as well for guidance and eventually look into addons too. I used to game Roblox as well but not so much now! class 1.jpgclass 2.jpgclass 3.jpg

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Brandon,

    Everybody learns differently and at a different pace, I'd say, the order of the courses is okay for what you want to learn, but i can already tell that your timing is way off! This is not about you not sticking exactly to the schedule, but to make sure you don't get disappointed and frustrated that things will take a lot longer! Only watching the courses will get you nowhere.

    Just two of the extreme outliers:

    You can't do the "Animation Bootcamp" (and make sure you take the updated version: "Blender Animation Bootcamp 2023") in one week (you can watch it in one week, but not learn it in one week: "Animation is Hard"!).

    Probably no human can do the "Short Film Character Production" in one week.

    You most likely won't even be able to finish the "PRESS START" by April 17th.

    Your whole schedule will take you a lot longer than one year; prepare yourself for a long, but very exciting journey!

    1 love
  • Brandon (Brandon123) replied

    All right thanks for the advice! Yea I suspected most courses to take more then a week this is just a rough draft more then anything! I’ll adjust it for sure as I see more of what is possible for my schedule!

  • Omar Domenech replied

    I'm more of a winging it kinda person, I've never done a schedule for anything in my life. As Martin says, the courses will take much longer. I suggest you plan for 4 courses to focus on then when you're done, plan for 4 more. The way I do it is, I first watch the course as if it was a movie, I just sit back and relax and try to pay attention and absorb the most. When it's over I go back at it again but this time is hands on, I have Blender open and work alongside the teacher and that's when I realize my brain didn't commit much to memory but at least I have the overall view in my head and it becomes so much less frustrating to follow along.

    But everybody learns differently, as you go on by and see how long things take and you get the feel of things, you'll see what method you prefer and you'll adjust on the fly. The important thing is to know that it's a hard road and just because its hard you shouldn't give up. Plus when you get stuck we're here to help out.

  • Brandon (Brandon123) replied

    Thanks Omar, yea I just like knowing what I will learn in the future is all to stay on track and not procrastinate too much but I do like the idea of watching the whole thing first then going again and taking notes and maybe a 3rd or 4th time for some videos. I will be asking for a lot of help lol 

    • 🤟🏼