Assemble: Difficulty creating up and down motion for carousel seats

Question Modeling

Hi! I'm having difficulty creating the up and down motion for the seats in the "create a carousel tutorial from the Assemble course. I settled on trying to use a zig zag curve that adjusts with the carousel's dimensions and restricting the seats to respond to the Z values, but they don't want to stick at all. It doesn't seem like Euler to Vector was necessary for this case as well, since I'm only wanting to adjust the Z values for it... anyway, Any suggestions or advice are definitely appreciated, Thanks! I will be happy to further elaborate on anything.

NoOneSpecific Carousel File

[further detail]

pictured in the carousel image is the path I want them to follow. My hope was to align the heads to it and then adjust as needed.

Screenshot (11).png

Highlighted in red (up and down) is my attempt at creating the nodes to make the suzanne seats follow it. It's a bit of a mess because I kept trying different things. Also, I've detached them from the suzanne seats, right above. I had the combine xyz node attached to the right most translation node in the suzanne seats.
023-03-19 220848.png

Pictured here is my basic Support circle. This is integral to the whole thing. It's also animated.

023-03-19 220928.png

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi noonespecific ,

    I haven't really looked at it yet, but my first idea would be to use the Sine of the Time, plugged into the Z Translation, something like this:


    Then use the Index of the heads (or poles) modulo 2 to offset half of them.

    You'll have to fill in the details (and the exact numbers in the Math Nodes, you'll have to make some of them dependant of the number of poles) yourself, of course.

    1 love
  • noonespecific replied

    Thanks so much for the suggestion! I'll try that when I have a break in the day

  • noonespecific replied

    That worked thank you!

    • You're welcome