Why do i not get an edge when pressing f but something instead like on picture 2 ? I thought i followed the course correctly
Hi hhaplodepatrijn ,
My guess is, that those are two separate Objects that are both in Edit Mode.
In Object Mode, with both Objects selected, press CTRL+J to 'join' them into one Object. Then it should work.
that's it , strange it wasn't mentioned in the course, it supposed to be for beginners.
Don't sweat it. You'll make many discoveries even as a beginner. That's what the forum is for. Make sure to heart Martins comment for lending a hand.
In the course JL adds those part while being in edit mode of the console. When you are in edit mode and you add a mesh, that added mesh it not separate but is part of the object you are in edit mode in. When you added your D-Pad you added it in object mode, making it a different object.