Hi dear,
I'm so confused about the content of confusing about the content of "bone level' and "armature level", especially in the naming part like does the bone name the same as the armature name?
if not, what's the difference between them?
Hope you could help me with this~ thank you very much!
I think a good way to think about is just like a mesh object. You have an object at object mode level and then you go into edit mode into the object's contents.
An armature is just like that, you have the armature object and when you go into the armature, like in edit mode, now you can manipulate the armature's content. You can add bones and thy all live inside the armature.
You can name the armature and the bones however you like really. Just that there are standard good practices like depending if a bone is on the right or left side, they get labeled .R or .L
So here's another example, it's just like the human body. You have the body itself and then there's bones inside it that help it move. The armature is the human body and then you go into pose mode is like going into the bones and manipulating them.