What The He....

First: are you an auctioneer? Yes: you have done this I am sure 40 or 50 times to get it right.

Second: Just when and where did you say anything about downloading any files to get us started. 

Third: When you make a move on the screen with the mouse to select something like the light and the camera. DO NOT JUST BUZZ THROUGH IT. Remember your teaching beginners. If you are just trying to show off you skills then call it that.

1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey @Marine Gunny SSGT!

    Sorry to see your frustrations with keeping up,

    Its a really good idea, and what most of us do when learning anything new, we watch the lesson, even the entire chapter or course without opening Blender, then watch again and follow along, by watching a section, pausing the video while repeating the process in Blender.
    By just trying to copy every move as it happens on screen is very difficult, and most likely lead to non-retention of information in the brain.
    You can always change the speed in the video settings if you are having trouble.
    At 0:40, Jonathan mentions the reference images are included with the download files.
    The screencast keys are also displayed as an assistance.

    If you are completely new to Blender, we have the free blender-3-basics-intro-to-blender course which is perfect as a first step on the long road of your Blender learning journey.

    Happy Blending!

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Don't worry, it's frustrating but just at first, learning a 3D software is no walk in the park. You said it yourself, we all practice 40 to 50 times to get something right. And as Adrian said, if you are completely new there is an even more basic and introductory course and then there are the fundamentals. 

    So go at it in this order:

    Basics https://cgcookie.com/courses/blender-3-basics-intro-to-blender

    Fundamentals: https://cgcookie.com/courses/fundamentals-of-3d-mesh-modeling-in-blender

    Bootcamp: https://cgcookie.com/courses/blender-mesh-modeling-bootcamp

    Press Start: https://cgcookie.mavenseed.com/courses/press-start-your-simple-first-blender-project

    3 loves
  • Ansy replied

    The instructors are really amazing on this site. I have never seen such a level of professionalism, especially when responding to people saying totally stupid stuff out of emotion.

    • 🤜🤛
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    1 love
  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    It's okay to give criticism, but remember that constructive criticism builds a better community. And it's totally okay to get frustrated but just reach out and ask a quick question for help. Let's start with that.
    How does one download the course content? Simple 3 step process. Click on course files just below where the video plays.