Light is not reflecting off the screen

As the title says, I can't get the any light reflections from the screen.-03-08_162054676.png

  • hothyoga replied

    I have the same issue.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey, if you check the node graph, you'll see the output is actually connected to the Multiply node, which is outputting a straight color. Most likely from previewing it with Node Wrangler. Connect the Principled BSDF instead and you'll be good to go! 

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Also be sure to find the angle in which the light hits the screen. But you may encounter then that the white shine is overpowering and wont let you see what's on the screen, in which case you'll need to decide if you want to adjust the roughness of the screen material or maybe move your lights just so they hit the screen at a grazing angle, enough for you to have a nice gradient instead of a white blinding shine.