When I switch to paint mode in the 3D viewport I get the error 'Missing Data' and the info message 'Missing Texture Slots'...

posted to: 3D Painting
When I switch to paint mode in the 3D viewport I get the error 'Missing Data' and the info message 'Missing Texture Slots'. It looks like I can Add Paint Slot. But this seems to create yet another texture image, which is separate than the one I created for 2D painting. Seems to contract what I'm seeing on the videos. Any clarification you can provide here? Thanks.
  • Charles Ocheret(cocheret) replied
    This seems to happen only when the BI renderer is selected. If you have Cycles selected and have an Image Texture node selected (as in the tutorial) then this doesn't happen.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Adding a new paint slot creates its own texture in addition to any you create when 2D painting with the UV Image Editor. You can manually drop in your 2D-created texture in BI's texture panel, as seen in this lesson.