At the end of the video you say that you didn't get the effect you wanted due to the blend mode selection. How would you g...

posted to: Texture Influence
At the end of the video you say that you didn't get the effect you wanted due to the blend mode selection. How would you get what you wanted? Duplicate your grime texture and have a separate slot for diffuse + multiply and one for specular + mix? This seems like a significant weakness of BI.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    I'm not sure I'd call it a weakness as much as I would call it my dwindling experience with BI. Before Cycles I used it all the time and would likely be comfortable enough to get the exact result I was after. But Cycles has been around for years and I've lost some of my BI savviness. I think that's more the issue with what happened at the end of the video.