Anisotropic Material

Question Materials and Textures

Can you have more than 1 center for radial anisotropy? 

 I tried using normal maps to add small details like screws and axles to an object, but the individual circular faces didn't have the radial effect like the photo reference (below). I also tried building the details into the object, but it didn't work either. In the image below, I just made each round object separately. Is there a way to do this without making every screw/ axel a child object?photo reference.png

Photo referenceotropic material.png

Each circle is a child object

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Nicola,

    I'd make the 'circles' separate Objects like you have here.

    But you can also manipulate the Normal input of the Anisotropic Shader as can be seen here:


    and yes, it's a bit of a Node mess I made, but it's just to show that it's possible (this is just the Default Cube!).

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Jesus, there's like nothing Martin doesn't know. 

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    You could model a high poly mesh with the screws, and bake the normal map to a low poly version.
    However the axles are much easier with anisotropic shader as separate objects.

    Although, Mathemagician Spikey always finds a way.

  • nicola birtch(nicolabirtch) replied

    Great thank you. I'll make separate objects, the node looks too complicated for me!