blender octane render - any drawbacks?


I came across a mod for blender (not an addon, a modded blender) that allows you to render blender with octane. Im sure im not the first to discover this, are there any thoughts on this?  Seems to be free to try, just dont want to damp progress chasing waterfalls ( you know, strain my left eye, lisa)

The drawback is for a studio license so you can use it with other programs like nuke or adobe it clocks in at about 240 euro/yr so it can get spendy, but other than that im curious of the drawbacks.  Anyone here try it? 

  • CCWieland replied
    I looked at it, but did not try. was looking into what the pros and cons are. did not find enough pros for me.  if you do get it let me know what you think.
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I'd say be the first adventurer and try that out. I've never used Octane.