I just finished the compositing tutorial where it is recommended you set up render layers. Would i need to set up render layers if i use cryptomatte? Can i just use cryptomatte instead of setting up render layers for compositing? (This question is a bit redundant given the nature of cryptomatte, just wondering if there is anything i should be aware of if i were to make that my main render setting) Thanks!
Cryptomatte is great for compositing! It hasn't been available in Blender for that long, so you might just have seen an older tutorial. Also, if you have a really large scene, Render Layers can save you, because you can render smaller parts of your scene and composite them together; that can't be done with cryptomatte. And you can use different Render Engines and composite them together, which is also not a cryptomatte function.
But there is no reason you can't use both 'at the same time'.