Portfolio criticism


I was wondering if it is possible to get a criticism of portfolio in this platform? If not could you recommend where I could find reliable opinion?
Just in case: https://cgngt.artstation.com/

Thank you for the amazing courses this platform gives!

  • Omar Domenech replied

    There is a positive progression noticeable from older to newer, good job. Looks like you're getting better and better over time.

    Giving criticism is always tricky, because who am I to judge. But since you asked, if I had to criticize something, is that I can see the renders and models have a very CGI feel to them still. Poses are stiff, face expressions feel weird, textures lack detail, composition and presentation can be more appealing as well as lighting. But bare in mind, you are tackling one of the hardest topics in 3D which is characters. You have to do A LOT to perfect everything that goes with it so no wonder you still have ways to go. Plus you have environments which are their own beast. Disclaimer, I can't do characters at all, so I'm just speaking as a lame observer. 

    That last Star Wars one is looking great though. If I'd had to go with an analogy, you started your renders looking like PlayStation 1 and quickly moved to PS2 and PS3. That Ashoka one is PS4 level good. Clearly an awesome progression in your skills. If it was me I'd leave all the other renders out of your portfolio and start creating other great pieces of art similar and better than that one.

    Keep practicing, do more stuff, watch more tutorials, keep at it, you're getting there little by little. It also takes courage to get your stuff out there for criticism. Thumbs up man.

    2 loves
  • wardred replied

    First I'd like to say you have some nice pieces, and I can definitely see a progression!  Your refinements are particularly good with Ashoka, and I think that character could be exceptional.  Your Ashoka is better than anything I've done up to this point.

    The character looking out is a pretty traditional pose, but I'd also have her in an environment where she's facing the camera.  Maybe the last pose in a relatively simple sci-fi corridor or room, rather than just a black background.

    I like the worlds in the background.  I think you could go a little lighter with the clouds so that the black night sky sticks out better.  I like the purplish clouds, I just want a bit clearer sky between them to see a deep blacks to contrast the stars.

    I would play with the volumetrics on the ground a little bit too, and vary up the grass clumps more.  This character is definitely your best, so spending the time to really refine the scene will really make things pop.

    Your model is great, from what I can see.  The textures on her skin are a little plasticky - I think somebody who has been through the human course could help with that, and she could do with some different facial expressions.

    The pose on the bottom is nicely done!  I like the textures on the clothes of her torso and arms.  I think the pants and the shin guards could use a little work.  The pants are a little too ballooney to me.  I also want to see a more fabric like texture - to see the threads of the fabric.  You do a really good job of this with her top.  The shin guards could look a little more metallic and scratched.

    The soles of her feet seem a little too rounded.  It makes her look like she's in moccasins, and even they'd be a little flatter I think.  Does she wear boots instead?  They'd seem to go with the shin guards a bit better.


    I'd probably keep the Black dragon, but really refine the muscle structure on it, and the bones in the wings - I think they'd be slimmer ala this bat - as well as really trying to refine the heck out of the reptilian skin.

    On your earlier work everything feels a little. . . soft.  I think it'd take more time to get those polished to a similar level of detail as your Ashoka or vampire.  If you polished Ashoka, the vampire, and the dragon, I might not display the others.  Or just elements from the other three, like the axe and the shield.

    The axe feels a little soft.  It'd need to have a larger and sharper cutting edge, sharper lines all around, and a better texture for the handle.  It could be really impressive!  The designs on the knot work are pretty spot!  (The curves themselves.)  That said, they'd likely be a little flatter/sharper.  If they're raised instead of etched, I'd expect blacking in the recessed parts.  If they're etched they'd be more fine lines.


    Hopefully this comes off as constructive criticism and not as trying to tear you down.  I'm already really impressed with your Ashoka model, the poses from your vampire - though the villager and ground texture need work, and the overall form of your dragon.  I think with just a little more polish Ashoka'd look like a professional piece.  (Polish is something I've glossed over too often in my own work, and it shows.  That 80% of time on the last 20% of detail, or whatever the ratio is, really takes something from good to excellent.)

    Edit: Or if you do display the other work you put them in a "old work" or "progression" page, rather than on the main page.

    Edit the 2nd: I really like the pose from your vampire piece.  While the environment and victim could use some work, the pose is really great to me!

    Last edit, promise: The knot work would probably look like: this.

    1 love
  • Vytautas Macelis(CGngt) replied
    Thanks for all of your time looking at my portfolio and giving really good and honest advice/opinions! That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Sadly after updating (can't remember which) Blender version some of the older saves were corrupted/damaged and cant be polished. 
    Good words and criticism really motivates me, thank you again! <3
    1 love