Hi, this one seems so simple but I'm wasting too much time trying to solve it. I'm using a tablet (and 3 button mouse emulation) but my annotation tool seems stuck on "erase". I guess that hitting CTRL puts it in erase mode, but it won't come out of it.
It sometime works with the mouse or if I use my second monitor and return but the default is eraser not "draw".
I'm using Blender 3.4.
Thank you!
Hey James,
Holding CTRL should be erase mode, releasing CTRL should exit erase mode.
If you are stuck in erase mode it may have something to do with the button settings on your tablet or the emu3butt.
You could try click and hold on the annotation tool in the tool bar and move the pointer to Annotate and release the click.
You can use the pen on your tablet or the mouse.
Hope this helps.
When I troubleshot things like this, I like to open a fresh new Blender file and see if the weird behavior is persisting, if not, then it's local to the file the problem first arose. If it sticks around, then I know is a deeper problem. In your case you might have the eraser tool select by default?