I don't have all the options I only have custom.

posted to: Importing Packages
I don't have all the options I only have custom.
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    I assume you mean the packages like Character, Environment, etc. You may need to install them. I believe when you first install Unity you have the option to have these installed by default. You can reinstall Unity and only install those packages and uncheck everything else you already have installed.
  • Rozalia (ebitherat) replied

    I'm sorry, it's 2 years later, but I had a same "problem". Reinstalling unity didn't help, there are no such options as standard assets (2D, character..), but I found them at Asset Store tho.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Yes in the latest versions of Unity they removed the packages from the editor itself but they're available on the asset store.