course after end of membership

I started several courses that I didn't finish. When my membership finishes I won't be able to access the lessons anymore. Compared to membership buying the course on the blender market is actually better value for money because you will always have access to the complete course. 

  • CCWieland replied

    I see what you are saying, and I find that is a good way to go. I also have taken classes like that before.  what I find I get from the membership is a lot of good help from talented People. the best part is to meet the people you may be working with in the future, and they may become a good friend. to me it would be awesome to get to know you.

  • sheila5 replied

    you'll find me on discord often. I follow the livestream also. I'm just not so happy that I won't be able to finish the course that I started because they are too time consuming

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied
    Adrian points things like this once in a while. There is a mismatch between the value of the subscription and buying the course on the Blender Market. I think they are planning to sort this stuff out somehow, I don't know, it's an ongoing conversation. 
    1 love
  • CCWieland replied
    When I started the Animation Boot camp I was amazed on the help I received.  one thing I wanted was to get everything right before I moved forward, I had to know before I started another Class.  I think practicing is important, but I found if I wait to learn I would never get to the end before my  membership was done. for me a membership is not that bad, but to benefit from CG Cookie what I found is binge-watching is best. I also found that when I took other classes no mater what the subject they helped point things out for me in my current class. Another example I suck at weight painting but just moving pass that I enjoyed rigging. and I know I can come back anytime and dig into weight painting.
  • CCWieland replied

    here are some more tips

    re binge-watching a class, for me this is painful but I have picked up things I missed.

    I also try to learn from more then one source like YouTube, there are different ways of teaching.

    Teach what you have learned. I find making a tutorial very helpful to learn the subject. Even if you just make a tutorial for yourself.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    In the end, the most positive about a subscription is access to the entire library whenever you want and having whatever new course that comes out readily available in the instant. And the most awesome, participation in community things like collabs and classes, I think they're coming back. And like Weiland says, getting help directly from teachers when you are stuck. So I still view a CGC subscription far more worthy than buying a course on the Blender Market. 

    1 love
  • CCWieland replied

    I do not know what collabs and classes is, but I am for it.  we need to be able to critique each others work.  when I was in AAU part of our grade depended on us talking to other students.

  • CCWieland replied

    For me it is worth the Money just to have someone tell me I am naked. (the emperor's new clothes) in other words tell me when I am not doing a good job. that is just as important as learning.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Collabs are an awesome activity CG Cookie does, Kent is the teacher and he makes us take a deep dive into a production like environment. You can check out the livestreams for Collab2020 and Collab2021. This year when it was about to start Kent had an emergency and it had to be canceled. Hopefully we'll go at it again next year.

    COLLAB 2020 - Modeling Heavy Equipment: Backhoe (Part 1)

    COLLAB2021 - Week 1 - Modeling:

    1 love
  • CCWieland replied

    Oh ya! did try to get on board with that, but was too late. that is the perfect way of learning in a work environment. I do feel bad for Kent. He had so much work put on him, but at the same time that was amazing.

  • sheila5 replied

    wardred just showed me you can download the video's. I just didn't recognize the downloadbutton as such. 

  • wardred replied

    Hmmm, my post seems to have been eaten.

    07 at 3.01.50 PM.png

    If there's a course you enjoy, you need not lose access to it.  You can go to the course, go into the individual lessons, and in the video player for the lessons there's a "sharing menu" where you can individually download the videos.

    It's a little bit of work to download all the videos, one at a time, but if there's a course you haven't finished, that you really like, or simply believe you'll want to revisit at some point, there's no reason to lose access to it.

    I create a "Cubicity" directory, then a "videos" directory under that and dump the course videos there.  The videos are named sanely, with 01-VideoName style format, so they stay in order on their own.  (With the leading 0s in the video name, they're always in alphabetical order.)

    Edit: Maybe the download icon that shows up when you click the "sharing menu" could be the icon used in the main player menu.  It's more obviously a download button than the pop-out looking button.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yes, you've always had the ability to download videos and course files. Leaving the price for a subscription aside, the subscription is much better than buying a course standalone in my opinion. Not that this has anything to do with anything, but I think people buying courses separately is more about taking it chill, you bought it you can go at your own pace. But when you have a subscription maybe people feel pressured that they have to watch as many things as possible because is going to run out and that overwhelms them. It's just a theory.