Hi All--- as usual, awesome course Kent! I've learned so much from you and all the great artists @ CG Cookie.
In case anyone has encountered unwanted seams when connecting the 2 and 4 lane street sections to the intersection, I worked around this by extruding from the intersection, then creating the sidewalk loop cuts, bevels, etc... The global_UV empty (Creating a Street Section - 20:20) didn't seem to have any effect when creating the 2 and 4 lane objects as separate objects. A nagging, though very faint, seam remained. Is OCD contagious? I think I contracted it from Kent!! :)
"3D OCD" I love that haha. It's very prevalent in this field 😅
I wonder why the global UV object didn't seem to have an effect..it's whole purpose is to make seams impossible across all objects using it. And it will be used throughout various materials / objects. Double check that to make sure it's setup correctly and that there's only one of them 🤔
Feel free to share your .blend file if you'd like me to take a closer look!