how can i make the impact between balls more convincing?

it does not look natural

edit: just focusing on the basket ball right now

  • tanya (tanya53) replied

    Hi,  I'll take a stab at this, but I could be totally wrong. You have a good start on this exercise.

    - why does the ball accelerate up the hill? 

    -  I know the basketball hits the bowling ball, but  it really looks like they just brush each other,   I would maybe pick a different collision point.

    -  since it doesn't look like it really hit,  it is weird when it goes up the hill, I also think a basketball is pretty bouncy and there isn't much bounce here

    -  it would also be easier to look at a render or viewport render, it was sort. of confusing when it went back and forwards with frame numbers.

    if you google ball collisions there are a lot of explanations out there, for it to look good the balls have to follow laws of physics, with some modifications.

    You're doing great, personally I found this very hard to do and spent weeks on it.  

  • Omar Domenech replied
    Wayne left you feedback on this exercise on the other thread you wrote, just in case you see this first.
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Oh thanks Omar - I forget to mention that here.