actually I'm having some other problems with this start file. it seems that some things just don't work properly like hitting i in the 3d viewer doesn't bring up the list of options and it doesn't key all selected objects, just the active channel on the active object if anything. the copy paste function also only works on the selected bones and I can't seem to box select or control select in the dope sheet so I'm constantly having to select everything one by one.
I tried linking stomp to a new project and starting from scratch but the ctrl alt p to create proxy thing doesn't seem to work unless I'm linking the wrong file? it seems like the file setup is quite different than in the vid so the object and rig are stored separately but I can't figure out how to get them both in there and joined up...
I could not open any start file and had to link it. for example when I linked Torque i linked all three Torque_rig, Torque_GEO, and Torque. I ended up hiding both Torque_rig, and Torque_GEO links. and selected Torque link in the outliner editor. then in the 3D viewer on the left top I clicked on Object/ Relations/ Make Library Override. Once i did this i was able to select the rig and open pose mode.
hmm, ccwieland this almost works for me but the rig is not connected to the model and the model is a bit wonky, like the normals are screwed up or something.
are we sure this was made in 2.8? i downloaded 2.8 but i get an error "file written by newer blender binary (300.43) expect loss of data! and the rig is not attached and it's not oriented correctly...
2.83 i still get the error message but everything seems to be working so far.
I stand corrected. the N menu is invisible. the arrow moves out and in as if a menu is opening and closing in that space but none is visible. weird.
hey Wardred helped me fix it.
This may help you.
Hey dudes,
Can you guys do some testing for me.
I'm in the process of updating the bootcamp course and I have new versions of the Vonnbot rigs.
Can you test them for me and let me know if you run into any issues.
I've made a short video explanation of everything you need to know, plus included the instructions on link in these characters with library overrides in Blender 3.3 (it's in the video)
here's a zip with the video and the file.
Awesome Wayne,
Everything seems to be working swimmingly. I don't really know anything about rigs or rigging so don't take my word for it but as far as I can tell it is fully operational in 3.31 on my system with no weird visual glitches on the object.
(Looks like I know what courses I have to do next, FK? IK? III (aye aye aye)... )
Excited to start walking :)
EDIT: when I use the heel rotate thing (handle? bone?) the heel lifts slightly off the ground.
Also there is no toe rotate (like the heel one)
autobodhi - in regards to the Heel lifting. That control now has 2 axes it can move, rather than 1. I kept the widget the same to keep it visually clean. Just make sure you are only rotating it on the axis you were expecting.
If it is still misbehaving can you create a screen recording of this issue - this will help me see the issue you're having.
In regards to the Toe.
Yeah, the Toe Pivot has been replaced with Toe Spin (or foot spin). That is the default rigify setup and it is very handy for when you need the foot to spin on its ball, but not so much if you want the foot to pivot around the Toe (you can use the 3d cursor). I was tempted to add the extra control but decided against it for a few reasons.
not sure this will help you but made two video to try and get help on youtube.
if i do have more, I will do the same. I just used the old one because I fixed the issue, but will test it out for you. for me it was Stomp that gave me issue.
Cool, I will check the heel thing out. Another thing I've noticed which could again just be my own ignorance is the axis' on the antennae don't seem to be aligned as I expect. what I expect to be x rotation is actually z rotation. y is as I would expect.
so if you look in the object properties under Viewport display, and then click on the Axis box you will see that Stomp was made with the facing in the X axis. hope this helps.
Wayne, I linked both into a new blender file. the Previous version has the VonnBot UI, but the new Version does not.