Nothing happens when I use the middle button, it can zoom in but nothing else. When I try to access user preferences the a...

Nothing happens when I use the middle button, it can zoom in but nothing else. When I try to access user preferences the app closes on its own.
  • Aman Bhardwaj(amanbhardwaj557) replied
    Open Blender than in File Menu go to user preferences. Click on input button and under Mouse section enable "emulate 3 button mouse". Now you can use alt key instead of middle mouse button
  • forgottengod replied
    Sorry for taking long to reply, what I've been saying is besides that the middle button doesn't work and that when I try going to user preferences like you replied, Blender closes. As I click user preferences Blender just disappears off the screen. Is their any way to fix this?
  • daluckycat replied
    Thank you so much!