Tree and leaves component separated after mark as asset library

posted to: Trees (SURF)


I noticed that when mark the tree into asset library it separated into 3 different component instead.

This issue remain the same even select the tree as whole hierarchy.

Working on Blender 3.1.2 version. Any advice to fix this? Thanks!

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    You need to use a newer Blender Version SSproul

    In 3.1 you can't Assetize a Collection yet. From 3.2 onwards that is possible. Then you need to select the Collection where the tree is in and right click > Mark as Asset.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Also you could, if it's possible, join them as one object, maybe? Control + J them bad boys and maybe they wont separate. It easier of course to download a new Blender version.

    2 loves
  • Sproul replied

    Thanks for the comments. Upgraded to the latest version and it works by using the function instance to scene the tree collection then mark it as asset .

    • 🤟🏼
    1 love
  • Chris Wadkins(StitchlessJoes) replied

    Just select hierarchy, M for new collection, name it. Once in new collection select collection and select Mark as Asset. Then it has whole tree in assets without joining items which causes problems for multi surface mod. 

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