downloaded 2.7.7a

posted to: Vanilla Ball Bounce
  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi Craig,

    If you refresh the page, the Spacebar will probably work again (this happens occasionally...).

    Also, you have downloaded a 2.8 version of the excercise:


    This works in Blender versions 2.80 up till 3.4, but not in 2.79 or before.

    I think there used to be a pre-2.80 version to download as well, but that might not have made it through the migration to Mavenseed.

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hmm - I don't know why the 2.7 exercise files are not there.
    I thought they were actually in the original ""

    I would actually use the 2.8 files with 3.3, Craig,
    This course is scheduled to be getting an update, but that's happening next year (most likely early next year).

    In the meantime, I would suggest using a current version of Blender and watching
    This will explain most of the changes but if you still get stuck on anything - just ask!