I'm struggling bad with collision and it is demotivating. I'm trying to make a cave system in Blender and import it into Unreal Engine, but for some reason it just will not work. Is there anyone who understands how collisions work in Unreal Engine that would be able to assist?
I made a video showing how a section of the model is made in Blender (I think I covered enough in the video, but if you do not have enough information, please let me know). I followed a tutorial that mentioned that you need to make separate solid squares then rename UCX then parent to the model and export fbx.
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Can you link your fbx and the tutorial you watched? I'm happy to look at it in Unreal and see if I can figure it out. I'm not an expert, but I know my way around a bit.
Sure, and thanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rcj0N_bVRWg
This is the only part that I haven't tested yet: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/WorkingWithContent/Types/StaticMeshes/HowTo/LODs/
Cool. I was able to get this to work on my end with no problems. So here are some things I notice:
1. You have 3 collision objects parented to your mesh, and they do not share the same name as the mesh. He specifically mentioned in the video the collision object needed the same name with the UCX_ prefix. Try joining yours into a single object and ditch the numbers at the end.
2. You may want to scale your collision mesh along the normals to ensure they do not overlap. They looked like a pretty tight fit in your video.
3. I think this is the real kicker. Make sure you are actually enabling your collision mesh. Uncheck the "one convex hull per UCX" box in the import settings, and I don't think he said this in the video, but to actually use my UCX object, I had to set up collision to be "use simple collision as complex." The default just set up complex collision ignoring the UCX.
So far it appears that your suggestion worked out. Just so you know, you're awesome. I've been struggling with this for two weeks. I wanted to make sure this concept would even work before I unwrap, texture, and stamp the cave detail; now, I can start the next step. I do have some weird artifacting at 1:11 of this video, but I'll cross that bridge later. I also need to test this on the full cave so we'll see how much I crash Unreal Engine with a cave that is about 15km.
Thanks again. Also, reading back on your first comment, I originally didn't realize that you requested the .fbx, but later in the day when I re-read the post, I could not find where to upload the .fbx. I'm glad you were able to figure out the issue even without the original file.