Please pardon if this is a silly question.
I want to select a square face and UV unwrap it onto an image (which has something square in it). I hoped to be able to move/scale in the UV editor to make them align.
My simple problem is that I can't seem to unwrap a square face as a square. "UV : unwrap" and "UV : project from view" (orthogonal) both seem to adjust the aspect ratio to match the overall image (which happens not to be square).
If I display properties and edit UV coordinates of each mapped vertex to have values representing a square, what is visible on screen is a rectangle.
Of course I can "roughly scale" in the editor to get something close to a square. In my case, precision is important. The image has rulers with measurements and I want to use them to place the vertices of my mesh.
I must be missing something.
Hey techworker1 ,
I am no expert in UV's, but this sounds like something that should be easy (or at least possible) to do, but I have no idea as to how to achieve this in Blender....
I am intrigued though...when I find a way, I will let you know immediately!
There are probably workarounds, with several Meshes and different UV Maps...but a straightforward way???
Blender seems to initially assume U=0.0-1.0, V=0.0-1.0 regardless of the image shape.
If I open Properties in the UV Editor, and mess with the aspect ratio values, the image texture can be distorted to a square, and then the unwrapped "square" vertices also appear as a square - not what I want.
Probably not worth all the trouble. Workaround is to only unwrap on a square image (make an edited image copy if needed).
It would be convenient sometimes to have a "project from view, preserve shape" option. Maybe it exists and I haven't found it. Maybe my use cases are unusual (but I've run into them from time to time).
I think you may find an answer in this lesson from JL's course. I remember him talking about a Blender quirk doing that stretching thing. I'd be interested to know if your solution is in there and what was that all about. So, report back your findings!
I did take that course recently (a very good one). The lesson is, indeed, about how Blender stretches/reshapes things when it unwraps, but it basically assumes that everything is stretchy. Typically what you want is to get lots of faces to fit / pack / cover a surface without distorting too much. Blender uses various rules to try to help you. "Preserve shape" seems to be irrelevant for most texturing - just my special cases I guess.