At 1:19 when you bring up the properties panel, it shows Transform. For me that isn't in there at all. The frst thing that...

At 1:19 when you bring up the properties panel, it shows Transform. For me that isn't in there at all. The frst thing that shows up is Grease Pencil. How do I get Transform to show up?
  • Yves Perera(shinsaku) replied
    Those are all tabs that can be moved within the panel. scroll down, I guess your "Transform" tab must be lower.
  • louriccia replied
    Sorry, but it's not there at all for me
  • Yves Perera(shinsaku) replied
    Make sure that you are in "object mode" and not "Edit mode" that might be the problem. ;)
  • Yves Perera(shinsaku) replied
    Oh and make sure that you have your object selected of course. ;) ;)