Collection tab

Just curious is there a difference between unselecable in outliner vs unchecking selectable in the collections tab of properties editor.
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  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Dwayne.
    I don't think you can change the selectability of a collection in any other way than the outlier.
    You can, however, change the selectability of the object in the object properties tab (under visibility).  This is exactly the same as unchecking the  selectable icon in the outliner.
    This makes sense because you don't want an object in a collection changing the properties of the collection itself.
    That would be like the child making decisions for the parent.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    @waylow ,

    Oh, but you can nowadays, and they both do the exact same thing (but usually the Outliner is easier 'to reach"):


    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied
    As always in Blender, it's just that there are many ways to skin a cat. You can do pretty much the same thing here and there in Blender. You'll notice that if you click on the icon in the outliner, the selectable tick goes away in vice versa. In my opinion is coll that Blender has second options all over the place, it's like finding cool easter eggs in a videogame.
    2 loves
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Thanks spikeyxxx  I learnt something new today 

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