Hi, very unimportant question here but why did you reset the headlights to 0 rotation?
I'd understand it if you were planning to rig the lights (maybe you do, later!) but they LOOK much better at an angle.
Hi Smartassmusic ,
that is an excellent question. Wayne might be able to give a better answer, but I'll give it a shot:
He doesn't change the angle, he first makes the right light a Separate User, then Applies (not resets) the Rotation and Scale of the left light. Then he links the Data (in this case the Vertex Positions) again, but the Rotation and Scale of the right light is still unchanged. This means the effective Vertex positions are off. So he Resets the Object's Rotation and Scale to fix that. He could also have (after Applying Rot/Scale if the left light, also Apply Rot/Scale of the right light and then link the Data.
Some images; here the two Planes have linked Data:
Now, after un-linking them, the view right Plane has Rotation and Scale Applied (still looks the same, but the Vertex Positions are different):
Now look at the view left Plane (Rotation, Scale, Vertex Positions), while it is still un-linked:
And here after linking (the Vertex Positions are now the same as the view left Plane):
You can see (I hope) that the Rotation and Scale shouldn't be Applied now, but reset.
It's confusing, I know, but I hope it helps.
Brilliant answer, thank you!!
(I'm loving that green in the background too)