would it be better to write notes

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi BBenMurph0205 ,

    Could you explain what you mean by that?

    Better for you to take notes, than for you, not to take notes?

    Or: Better for the teacher to wite notes, than to make a video?


    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey BBenMurph0205,

    If you find it useful to make notes that you can refer back to at a later date, that is entirely your choice.

    In the beginning, way back when, I wrote notes in a pad to refer back to, although I very rarely looked at them.

    The process of just writing something down can help to cement the knowledge you are learning in your memory.

    For you, because you are asking the question, I would say Yes, write some notes, you may be like me and not need them.

    Every advantage you give yourself now will help in the long term.

    Happy Blending!

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I had a PDF when I started learning Blender where I wrote down quick tips that I discovered, stuff I just learned or things I kept forgetting. So yes, notes is a great idea.

    If what your saying is CG Cookie should have a "Notes" menu in which you wrote stuff down and it's saved on your profile, I think that's a cool idea.